Sept. 7, 2023

5 Supplements That Might Be Worth Investing In

5 Supplements That Might Be Worth Investing In

Welcome back to the podcast!  Those of you who know me know that I am not a big pronponent of taking lots of supplements... With that being said, quality supplements can improve health and performance and can be a good investment for many...

Welcome back to the podcast! 

Those of you who know me know that I am not a big pronponent of taking lots of supplements...

With that being said, quality supplements can improve health and performance and can be a good investment for many people. 

In this episode I am going to discuss the 5 supplements that can sometimes be helpful for people. 

Full Disclosure, I discuss Legion brand supplements in the show. I have decided to partner with them becuase I actually use their products and think they are a good brand that operates with integrity. 

I get asked for specific recommendations all of the time and now I feel comfortable giving them and it will also help support the show, so it is a win-win. 

Anyway, I hope that you enjoy the show. Check out the links below to the research, podcast episodes, and supplements that I discussed in the show. 


Whey Protein Powder

Plant Protein Powder

Multivitamin Episode 

Mens Multivitamin 

Women's Multivitamin 

Omega-3 Episode 

Fish Oil Supplement (only 1/2 dose needed) 

Vitamin D 

Magnesium Reel 

Magnesium Supplement 


Recharge Creatine Supplement