Oct. 18, 2023

Fiber Fundamentals: What It Is, Different Types of Fiber, Health Benefits, and Potential Cons

Fiber Fundamentals: What It Is, Different Types of Fiber, Health Benefits, and Potential Cons

Eating more fiber is great for your health? But it isn't always that simple.  This is becasue fiber is not one nutrient, but rather a group of compounds found in plant foods and not all fiber is created equally.  In this eisode we will dive...

Eating more fiber is great for your health? But it isn't always that simple. 

This is becasue fiber is not one nutrient, but rather a group of compounds found in plant foods and not all fiber is created equally. 

In this eisode we will dive further into this topic and discuss: 

  • What fiber actaully is
  • The different ways that fiber types are classified 
  • Health benefits associated with each of the fiber types
  • Potential circumstances where specific fibers may have a negative effect on health
  • Dietary fiber recommendations for better long term health

Tune in to learn more. 

Further Reading/Citations From Episode:

Umbrella review of fiber health benefits: 


Review of differenty fiber subtypes:  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36462142/

Dietary Fiber IBD: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7844368/ 

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